About The Mom Collective

The Mom Collective is an online collective of moms from around the world who are working hard to raise good little human beings. Started as a Facebook group in 2016, The Mom Collective quickly grew to thousands of members and continues to grow. This site and the Collective Wisdom newsletter are an extension of the Facebook group, with curated content that includes advice, products, conversations and resources inspired by real-life moms.

The content curated on this site is led by several guiding principles:

  • Parenting as a progressive, modern-day family

  • Making parenting decisions based on the best scientific research and evidence available

  • Women get to choose if, when, how and where to start a family

  • Being a responsible consumer and steward of the environment

  • Bringing together diverse voices and viewpoints, with an emphasis on inclusivity and belonging

The Collective Wisdom on the site is heavily inspired by moms in the Facebook group, which trends “more mature” and progressive. The Facebook group is closed, meaning members of the group can add other members. This keep things civil and manageable. We hope you will join The Mom Collective and that you find your online village here.

The Founder’s Story

Ariane Le Chevallier is a working mom who lives in Portland, Oregon. She founded The Mom Collective Facebook group in 2016 shortly after giving birth to her adorable son who is now (almost) three years old. As a new mom, Ariane was in need of support and wanted to tap into the expertise of her mom friends who lived all over the country, and world. So, she created an online village for moms through Facebook, which led to this site.

In her day job, Ariane is a marketing and communications director for a national nonprofit. Prior to moving to Oregon, she spent more than a decade in Washington, D.C. working on political campaigns and mission-based causes she cares about.

On her good days, Ariane channels Brené Brown. On her harder days, she channels AOC. She is married to a sarcastic, witty partner who keeps her on her toes and loves her loyal pit mix Max. You can follow Ariane on Twitter @arianenoel or send her an email.

Kids age(s): Almost 3 | Favorite quote: “Done is better than perfect.”

Collective Advisors

These are the women from around the country (and world) who are sharing their wisdom and expertise to make The Mom Collective a vibrant, inclusive and inspiring place for moms:

Merisa Bowers | Gahanna, OH | Kids age(s): 2.5, adult stepsons and step granddaughter | “When we as a society begin to value mothers as the givers and supporters of life, then we will see social change in ways that matter.” ~ Ina May Gaskin

Carmi Brown | Tampa, FL | Kids age(s): 6 and 3

Melanie Fonder Kaye | Silver Spring, MD | Kids age(s): 9, 6 and 3 | Favorite quote: “Being a parent is not transactional. We do not get what we give. It is the ultimate pay-it-forward endeavor: We are good parents not so they will be loving enough to stay with us but so they will be strong enough to leave us.” ~ Anna Quindlen

Stephanie Hatzenbuehler | Hailey, ID | Kids age(s): 12 and 9 | Favorite quote: “It’s easier to be brave when you’re not alone.” ~ Amy Poehler | Expertise: mental health counseling

Kristen Johnson | Tampa, FL | Kids age(s): 7, 4 and 1 | Favorite quote(s): “This too shall pass." and “Cherish time.” | Expertise: the law, and kids + travel

Lisa McCarty | Arlington, VA | Kids age(s): 6.5 and 4.5 months | Favorite quote(s): “Be kind to one another.” ~ Ellen Degeneres | “Start each day with a grateful heart.” ~ Unknown

Katie Riches | Amsterdam, NL | Kids age(s): 5 and 2 | Favorite quote: “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.” ~ Gilda Radner

Ayanna Smith | Washington, DC | Kids age(s): 9 and 5 | Favorite quote: “Working on that.”

Erin Souza-Rezendes | Boston, MA | Kids age(s): 5 | Favorite quote: “It takes a village.”

Jessica Wallans | Portland, OR | Kids age(s): 2.5 | Favorite quote: “When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad.” ~ My Favorite Things, sung by Maria 

Courtney Westling | Portland, OR | Kids age(s): 4 and 2 | Favorite quote: “The days are long, but the years are short.”